Xbox One Xbox One trying to secure Hollywood exclusives


New Member
May 22, 2013
This is a pretty interesting article about Microsoft and the Xbox One trying to go out and secure Hollywood exclusives.

Article from the Digital Spy.

We all know the Xbox One appears to be heavily focused on general entertainment and those thoughts appear to be confirmed with how aggressive Microsoft is being in trying to tap into television and sports content. There's already the Halo TV series, but it looks like they were talking with CBS about merging the power of TV and the One together.

I'm reluctant to say this is cool or exciting news because I'm still hoping the system is devoted to gaming and not just after general entertainment.
I think its awesome that they're trying to get more content available to us Xbox users. While I originally bought it just for gaming, I do spend a lot of time watching movies and television. So this stuff could benefit me and be a great addition to my entertainment enjoyment. The Xbox will always be a game console, its just evolving to get more people to buy it. They want to sell more units, so they're targeting a wider audience other than just gaming.
Its always nice to see more options to enjoy on a new console. I really would like to see more gaming aspects but television and film apps for the Xbox could make it a media "hub" for many as the PS3 seemed to be for the last console generation. Only time will tell though.
I don't know, if they are going to go down that route they already have Hulu and Netflix... Do we really need any more ways to stream content? I mean they kind of already have enough streaming content on the xbox 360 as is.
I don't know, if they are going to go down that route they already have Hulu and Netflix... Do we really need any more ways to stream content? I mean they kind of already have enough streaming content on the xbox 360 as is.

You can never have enough. Not everyone uses just those Apps either. Do you use your smartphone just to call someone?
They're smart to go after as much as they can. I think the winner of the post-cable era will be whoever can lock in the most content providers. I see this mostly happening with the "channels" being apps. You want to get Netflix, HBO Go, Hulu, CBS so on and so on. Eventually I believe every channel will just be a website/app/etc that will sell their advertising themselves through those means, and sell their content, and possibly have shows sponsored by products. I wouldn't think it's even out of the realm of possibility that you'd see like Pepsi deciding to fund a show being made, then advertise during it and have product placement. Basically, you're seeing it already happen with Netflix and now Xbox having their own content made for them.
I don't know, if they are going to go down that route they already have Hulu and Netflix... Do we really need any more ways to stream content? I mean they kind of already have enough streaming content on the xbox 360 as is.

To be honesty I don't enjoy gaming as much as streaming movies. So Don't see what is wrong with Microsoft diversification plans. Anyway all depend on the actualization of the rumor :D
Seeing that they are basically screwing the original gaming part of the device, better have at least something good, i guess. But i don't see people buying this thing because it's a glorified media center.
It's funny how the community made fun of the PS3 for being everything but a video game console and something that plays movies instead of video games. It seems that again we're at an impasse. I'm already pretty content with the Netflix and ESPN apps for the Xbox, what else more could you possibly want out of a gaming console? Microsoft thinks that you need more, but I disagree.
I can only think of a handful of movie licensed games that have been any good, and I don't think this generation will be any different. Games like Goldeneye only come around once in a while, and I just don't see the video game industry striking gold again.
You can never have enough. Not everyone uses just those Apps either. Do you use your smartphone just to call someone?

True. I just find it kind of weird that there are so many options. I don't know, you make a good point, who knows maybe it will be a good thing in the end. Hopefully it will.
This would definitely make the xbox one interesting. I however don't watch live TV so this literally means nothing to me. However I wouldn't mind if CBS was to stream its shows on the Xbox One. As long as their are some good games I would buy it.
This has been going on for awhile. Plenty of indie films are streamed through X-BOX streaming services and such. Not sure how much money it will make them in the long run though. People are very picky about their movie watching these days.
This is actually a pretty good idea. There could be movies exclusive to the Xbox One TV, that would make a bunch of people buy it. One thing that I've been thinking about is what if they show Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead Season 5 exclusively for the Xbox One for about a week? Surely, a lot of fans will be wanting to watch them so they will buy the Xbox One.
AMC TV already shows those episodes in repeats, and also they stream them online I believe. So why buy an XBOX to watch the latest episode of an AMC original, when you can tivo or DVR the replay?
AMC TV already shows those episodes in repeats, and also they stream them online I believe. So why buy an XBOX to watch the latest episode of an AMC original, when you can tivo or DVR the replay?

I'm talking about the release. I don't know if you know, but Breaking Bad is currently still ongoing. Releasing the last 8 or 16 episodes (forgot the specifics) will encourage many people to buy it since there are so many fans out there. The same goes with other TV shows as well like The Walking Dead, or Game of Thrones. I don't know how the companies like AMC or ABC will say to this though, It's still a pretty clever option in my opinion if they want to get some more sales.