Your first shooter


Active Member
Feb 22, 2012
What was the first shooter you were really into? I thought Wolfenstein 3D was decent, but I consider Doom to be the best classic shooter. It was one of the first PC games I really became addicted to.
My cousin really liked Wolfenstein. I played it some because he had it. You're right about Doom, though. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it is considered to be the game that put first-person shooter games on the map, so to speak. Isn't that right?
I developed a taste for shooters pretty late in the game, actually, so the first shooter that I played and really liked was one of the Halos for Xbox 360.
The first, first person shooter I ever played was battlefront, I was really into Star Wars at the time.
Wolfenstein was pretty awesome but I am honestly not sure if it was my first or not. I can however remember my mothers first when my niece ended up with a Nintendo game many years ago, the duck hunt one. I still remember my mother trying so hard to get any of them, tons of laughs with that memory.
My cousin really liked Wolfenstein. I played it some because he had it. You're right about Doom, though. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it is considered to be the game that put first-person shooter games on the map, so to speak. Isn't that right?

I think you're right, I would consider Doom to be the first huge first-person shooter. You might be able to make the argument for Wolfenstein, but I don't remember it being as popular.

That's funny about Duck Hunt, Allyson. If I remember correctly, the ducks weren't too tough to hit. I used to struggle a little with the clay pigeons though.
I'm still new when it comes to the world of FPSs my first and only would be Borderlands. My husband plays it all the time and I got into the story of it more than the style of gameplay.
My favorite First Person Shooter is Counter-Strike. Even though a lot of people complain about the graphics being bad (which is kind of true), I think it's not the kind of game you play for the graphics. You play because it's fun, and you'll never get angry after the game. Once you find a server with people you like (for me it was a server from Quebec, where I live) and add it to your favourites, you'll get addicted for the rest of your life.
My first FPS game was Halo : Combat Evovled. I loved the vehicles and weapons as well as the rich storyline. Halo was the only reason I bought an Xbox.
The first shooter that I played was counter strike for the PC. I played multiplayer matches with my friends in highschool via LAN. We would skip classes just to have a good multiplayer match. (Yes, I did not do well in my grades but I did quite well at fragging my friends) It was really addictive at the time and that really got me hooked to playing FPS games.
For me it was the beta version of counter strike for the half-life, and also half-life death match. So much fun and revolutionary in its day :) miss the excitement in gaming these days.
My first shooter game was Goldeneye 007 for the N64. It was my favorite game at the time and I spent hours playing it with my friends, this game is the reason I started playing games like Halo and Call of Duty.
My first shooter game was Goldeneye 007 for the N64. It was my favorite game at the time and I spent hours playing it with my friends, this game is the reason I started playing games like Halo and Call of Duty.

I was just wondering "how has no-one said Goldeneye 007 yet!?" :D

Mine was Goldeneye 007, followed closely by Perfect Dark, both on the N64 & I still have them + the console!
My favorite First Person Shooter is Counter-Strike. Even though a lot of people complain about the graphics being bad (which is kind of true), I think it's not the kind of game you play for the graphics. You play because it's fun, and you'll never get angry after the game. Once you find a server with people you like (for me it was a server from Quebec, where I live) and add it to your favourites, you'll get addicted for the rest of your life.
My first FPS that I played was the original Counter Strike at an office LAN party (back in the day). It was awesome. From there, the first shooter I bought was Unreal and all the subsequent releases afterwards. I still play Unreal 2004 all the time (even though I suck too bad to go online with it). My new favorite is the new Team Fortress.
What was the first shooter you were really into? I thought Wolfenstein 3D was decent, but I consider Doom to be the best classic shooter. It was one of the first PC games I really became addicted to.

I remember i was really into the Battlefield games and have recently tried some of the Call of Duty games but they just weren't like old times :(
My first shooting game must have been Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64. This was way back when I was only 7 years old. But I still remember playing that game with my cousins and brother almost every day. As that game was so much fun. I loved how the Laptop gun in the game could be placed down as a sentry gun which got me so much kills. I believe the sentry in TF might have came from this game.
I played Doom back in 1993 when it was first released. I love firing even if there is no monster in sight, they appear in unexpected corners. I remember when all the screen looks red and stays red.