Xbox 360 Your top 5 favorite Xbox 360 games


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Let's make a top five of our favorite games for the Xbox 360. I'm curious to see what games you consider to be the best ones that you've played so far on your console.

This are my top five games:
1. Halo: Reach
2. BioShock
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
4. Mass Effect 2
5. Fallout 3
I'm pretty biased in my top 5, but if we could do more than a top 5 you'd see more of a variety of sports games and RPG games as well.

My top five games:
1. Battlefield 1943
2. Battlefield 3 (Soon to be #1 when it is actually released October 25)
3. Battlefield Bad Company 1
4. Battlefield Bad Company 2
5. Tiger Woods 2010

I told you I'm biased. :) I also like Rockband, Fable, Call of Duty, Blur, and Top Spin 3.
On Xbox 360, I'd say as follows:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV (not my favorite GTA but I do not like any others on the actual 360 console)
2. Assassin's Creed II
3. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
4. Mafia II
5. Madden 2010

I do not like Call of Duty or any FPS on the consoles.