Xbox 360 Have you ever caught someone looking foolish using Kinect?


New Member
Nov 4, 2012
I'll be the first to admit, when I do use Kinect, I try to make sure nobody else is around. Nothing can be more shameful than being caught in some god awful positions while playing a game. Plus people in my house LOVE taking pictures for "memory sake". So I don't want to make myself the subject of such.

But anyone here actually get caught yet?
I see a lot of people looking silly using Kinect at the arcades and some videos in YouTube. I watched the video of Smosh - Just Dance 4 Hilarity - and I couldn't stop laughing. Check the video out here: Just Dance 4 Hilarity
I can't even imagine how I look like when I play on it! I hope my neighbors can't see through my window. I have this dancing game I play sometimes and I bet I look ridiculous!
Actually yeah I have been caught looking stupid playing on the Kinect. Random Fruit Ninja pose if you know what I mean. My friend snapped a pic that I am never going to live down. But everyone looks playing so I guess it's okay.
I got my friend on video while he was playing Tiger Woods golf and he looked pretty silly. I mean trying to look like you are golfing without equipment, it get's pretty funny. I am like you Cross, I try to only use it when I am alone.
The only time I used the Kinect was when I was in a gaming convention. Everybody was around watching but I didn't care. So I have seen someone looking foolish, including myself, while using the Kinect. Sure it's funny but it's not like it's going to truly affect your social-life and connections with other people.
You people should try putting a mirror beside you and then you'll know for sure. I don't think you'll be able to concentrate on the game anymore, from all the laughter.
You people should try putting a mirror beside you and then you'll know for sure. I don't think you'll be able to concentrate on the game anymore, from all the laughter.

I actually did that. And I put the mirror away because I felt so ashamed for the stupid poses I was doing. Dare I say, it sort of killed my pride.
Are you kidding?--smile Me, I weigh 300lbs and I am older than dirt-trying to do a line dance -cheeze. But all that dosen't matter for I am having a ball!
We've had a Kinect for just about a year, yet have only played it once - and that was to play Grease Dance (I know, I know ha) But yes, I looked like a fool. Hell of a workout though.
I wonder who the first "brave soul/ stupid soul" is going to be that tries to play Kinect naked.
What what? No replies about a 'third arm' tracking error?:rolleyes:

I've got a special friend, we call him 'bone dome', that actually steals his GF's standing mirror for practicing his mojo while getting good with the Kinect. His moves are 'special', in that he scores perfectly well but manages to do the worst version of each move possible, and I'm brought to tears each time he performs. ;)

Personally, I'm too self conscious to invest in one. I know that I can't dance, I like it that way.
Have you watched any videos of smosh in YouTube? They always look foolish when they are playing Kinect games. Their kinect videos made me a fan. Watch them strut their stuff in dancing, workout games, and just about any other kinect game and witness foolishness at its best.
Haha, all the time! When my friends and I play we always catch one person looking very funny by the end of it. :p
I play the kinect with my kids all of the time, and am so mortified when it flashes the picture of me playing. Everytime that I think I can't look more dumb, I am shamefully proved wrong. My kids think it is the funniest thing ever. What makes it worse is that I always seem to be in my pajamas everytime we play.
My step-daughter refuses to play the kinect because she does not want to look stupid. But my boys and I and the wife do not care when we play it. Yeah the pictures they snap I really hate cause it makes everybody look stupid, but we are usually laughing our butts off at it.
Only saw part of the title to this thread, was pretty creep-ed before I clicked it. Yeah, saw some pretty bad acrobats in the GAME store the other day, then I noticed the Kinect, I thought it was some sort of sponsored event.
I thought the whole point of Kinect was to play games by looking foolish?