Xbox 360 Most overrated game?


RPG Ambassador
Jul 23, 2013
So as we round out the 360's final years of game publishing, I think we can look back on it with a little bit more unbiased hindsight. Granted, there are quite a few games still to come, but so far, what do you think have been the most over-hyped, overrated, or simply over-popular game that you played and didn't agree with the masses on? It doesn't mean they were bad games, or that you hated them, only that you think there was much ado about nothing.

For me, I thought Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite were way over-hyped and celebrated for the average games they ended up being. Skyrim was a step ahead in leveling and graphics, but many steps behind in world size, quests to do, choices that matter, customization, and menu management. It was a game that fresh and fun the first 20-30 hours but after that you've done and killed and collected everything that matters, all that remains is a hypnotic 90 more hours of the exact same thing.

Bioshock Infinite was just Halo with a Bioshock skin. Not a bad thing, and a fun game with impressive visuals, as well as an attempt at a creative twist. But it was NOT the full Bioshock/System shock experience and caliber the series has had so far.

Anyone else brave enough to voice their opinions on games they think are only "ok" and where the vocal camps forswear they are game of the year, genre defining, pinnacles of gaming?
I wholeheartedly agree about the Bioshock Infinite bit. I have to say it was easily the most overrated game of the generation. It got so many 10's and such, but honestly, I would have given it an 8, at best. The gameplay was fun, but too repetitive, and the so called 'twist' was just terrible.
I felt the same way about Bioshock Infinite. I really enjoyed the others in its series, but Infinite was a real let-down.
The entire Assassins Creed series after AC2. The game used to be great up until that point, Brotherhood is forgivable but then it just became a lame cashgrab. There is no challenge in the games, and once you learn to counterattack you can take on hordes of tens of enemies. You are never a proper assassin and stealth is only a minor aspect of the game. The story was okay at the start but after Brotherhood it juts got derailed. AC3 was just a failure and I don't understand all the hype for AC4, it will just be the exactly same game.
My vote goes to Call of Duty, the game is okay, but each update barely changes anything, hopefully CoD: Ghosts won't disappoint. There are so many people playing the game 24/7 everyday, and I don't know how anyone can play multiplayer the whole day.
The entire Assassins Creed series after AC2. The game used to be great up until that point, Brotherhood is forgivable but then it just became a lame cashgrab. There is no challenge in the games, and once you learn to counterattack you can take on hordes of tens of enemies. You are never a proper assassin and stealth is only a minor aspect of the game. The story was okay at the start but after Brotherhood it juts got derailed. AC3 was just a failure and I don't understand all the hype for AC4, it will just be the exactly same game.

I agree too that AC3 was disappointing. After all the intiial hype and showing us some beautiful natural landscapes, it seems that AC3 didn't really have a soul of its own, and kind of ironic that the best part of the game is the naval battles.

Hence that has become the focus in AC4. Hey why not call it a Pirates game already?
I think Skyrim is the most overhyped game ever made. The combat is terrible (just look at games like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma for combat that doesn't suck balls), the world has a lot of areas that look almost identical and it's simply absurd that it gets a million awards despite how amazingly buggy and glitchy it is. A game with so many freakin' bugs and glitches doesn't deserve a single GotY award!
I would have to agree with quite a few of you on Bioshock Infinite because it's true it was generally over hyped as being an amazing game. Also I mean they clearly stole the twist from Star Wars and plainly showed it, check out 6 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Video Games | for what I'm talking about. Be careful though because there are spoilers for the games they talk about. Also Skyrim was overrated game but I still got a good 20ish hours of fun out of it, just messing around and eventually beating the story.
Skyrim did nothing more than take off on what its predecessors left for it, which, quite frankly, was not a lot. This is the case with all sequels, all trilogies, and all successors to a franchise. Eventually you become too used to the gameplay as well as a certain way of doing things, and these developer studios are themselves afraid to deviate from the path they set with games like Assassin's Creed (though I must say it was quite the masterpiece for a while), Bioshock, and I would even say Fallout 3. They all have their own styles, engines, and game mechanics that are simply what constitutes the "game" part of the game away from the story and cutscenes. If you do something enough times, though, you are bound to make a mistake, and I believe like many here that AC3 did that big time. I am sure if they tried to do something drastically different while the storyline is already lacking, you all would have a lot more to complain about.
Skyrim did nothing more than take off on what its predecessors left for it, which, quite frankly, was not a lot. This is the case with all sequels, all trilogies, and all successors to a franchise. Eventually you become too used to the gameplay as well as a certain way of doing things, and these developer studios are themselves afraid to deviate from the path they set with games like Assassin's Creed (though I must say it was quite the masterpiece for a while), Bioshock, and I would even say Fallout 3. They all have their own styles, engines, and game mechanics that are simply what constitutes the "game" part of the game away from the story and cutscenes. If you do something enough times, though, you are bound to make a mistake, and I believe like many here that AC3 did that big time. I am sure if they tried to do something drastically different while the storyline is already lacking, you all would have a lot more to complain about.

This is fairly true, it's hard for the devs to change gameplay too much within a franchise because the gameplay and style defines the franchise. Imagine an Assassin's Creed that plays like a FPS, for example. That wouldn't be the Assassin's Creed we all know, even if it had the same story elements. I find that developers are basically cornered and have to try to do two things at once: they have to make games feel new and original but they also have to make the game pretty similar to its predecessors so that it doesn't feel like it's a completely new IP.

Think about it, Capcom went and drastically changed the gameplay of Resident Evil between 4 and 5. Look where it got them! Fans of old REs hate the new ones but the new ones are also really popular regardless, but this popularity came from drastically changing a franchise and ditching most of your old fanbase, which people complain about and with good reason.

One could say "oh, they should have change the title so that it became a new IP instead" but that doesn't really work too good for them because they lose "brand recognition" too...

I think it's all quite a complicated mess.
Call of Duty: *Insert title*. They have strayed so far from the series, it's become an endless rehash of the same title, a 60$ DLC almost every year now. They focus on nothing but graphical improvements but still these games break sales records every single time. It's absurd! I mean, did anyone see E3, their entire presentation was about how they upped the polygon count even further for Ghosts (and not to mention the dog, we can't forget the dog).
I really didn't like Assassin's Creed III even though everyone claimed that it redefined the genre. Ezio was the best character and AC II was the best ever in the series. Also, Black Ops was overrated for no reason. Black Ops II was actually very good compared to its first version from Treyarch. Similarly, I agree with your guys about Bioshock Infinite and Skyrim. The latter was really annoying with so many bugs.

Finally, the most overrated game of the year (I'm not sure if I should talk it here) is Last of Us on a you-know-what-console!!! I'm not a PS hater but simply hyping a good game to these levels is something I can't agree with.
In my opinion, Assassins Creed is extremely over-rated. Every one I have found myself bored after a few weeks of playing. My sister also agreed, having played it with me a couple of times.

I find the story line repetitive and find the game just not all that entertaining. However, people are forever raving on about it. I just don't get it!
AC3 was disappointing for me too. I wanted more of the whole Native American plot line, but it was frustrating that you had to wait what seemed like forever to even get to play Connor. Ugh, I saw the trailer and was hooked on Connor's story. Whatever, I'm just waiting for GTA V to come out. I know it won't let me down!
I liked Bioshock Infinite - it has great graphics sure, but I liked my "Little Sister" stand-in most of all. I also felt the story was powerful and I was in love with the rail riding. Does that mean no game will touch it ever? No, but by the same point it isn't a failure or overhyped. It was a great game just like the Last of Us - girl you travel with, great backgrounds, interesting jaded protagonist, and lots of things to avoid or gun down.

Then again I also liked Skyrim - not because of the backgrounds or whatever, but because it was such a step up from Oblivion. The character builds are much improved, there are more character voices then the same five or six, the missions were more involved and interesting, and the land was more diverse. That is why people loved it so much - also snow storms and sabertooth tigers and giants and mammoths and dragons. Talking dragons. Talking dragons that fly. Also witches, vampires, werewolves, and you... actually why do people not like this game?

Personally I hated the first Assasin Creed, but I liked the second one and I enjoyed the 3rd one. Then again I bought the 3rd one for the navel battles in the first place, so maybe I'm just coming at this from a different angle.
The entire Assassins Creed series after AC2. The game used to be great up until that point, Brotherhood is forgivable but then it just became a lame cashgrab. There is no challenge in the games, and once you learn to counterattack you can take on hordes of tens of enemies. You are never a proper assassin and stealth is only a minor aspect of the game. The story was okay at the start but after Brotherhood it juts got derailed. AC3 was just a failure and I don't understand all the hype for AC4, it will just be the exactly same game.
Pretty much this. Assassin's Creed 2 was just a great game, i wonder how they managed to just drop the ball like that. But i will be on the lookout for the 4th one because i kinda like the tropical setting, but i continue to wait for a price drop or a edition with all the DLC included.

Aside from that, and from the obvious Call of Duty vote, i would have to say Skyrim also casualized the Elder Scrolls series too much, but hey, that is my opinion.
For me, the most overrated game would have to be Black Ops 2. It was an mediocre game with nothing special. It's just like the regular Call of Duty that we are all accustomed to. Nevertheless, I still stuck to playing it since i'm a Call of Duty fanboy. Hopefully Ghosts won't be as disappointing.
Skyrim was really overrated. When I went through online reviews, one guy said that Modern Warfare 3 is nowhere close to Skyrim which offers endless hours of fun. When I played it, it was nothing but a bunch of glitches and bugs that annoyed me with every step. It's a huge game but not worth my time. I'm playing Bioshock now and the world is beautiful. It's innovative but again I don't agree that it's one of the best titles around. Same goes for a game called the Last of Us which is on PS. I never played it but when guys talk too much about it, I eventually lose interest.
I personally believe that Borderlands was a bit overrated. The graphics were great, but I just wasn't into the story. I really enjoy the game, but there was so much hype around the second game. Another game that stands out in my mind is Halo 4. There wasn't anything to it. The play through was a bit lacking. I tried really hard to enjoy it more, but just couldn't. Maybe there have been too many Halo releases...I don't know.