Xbox One What are you going to do with your 360 after you get the One?


New Member
Sep 7, 2013
What's everyone planning on ding with their 360 after the One comes out? I think I'm going to let me kid put one of my 360's in her room and keep the other in my room for now, so the One can have the living room where it should be! After I get a second One one of these days however I will probably get rid of my one of my 360's. I figure it would be nice for my kid to be able to play it for a bit though.
I think I'll keep it for a while. I still like playing it and it is in pretty good condition. I still have my PS2. I always thought that I would sell it, but I still play my karaoke games on it and still play GTA SA on it too. I don't think I could part with my 360 just yet.
I won't stop playing on the 360 completely. I know every single one of my friends aren't going to get the Xbox One off the bat, so I can always play with them from time to time. Once I get the Xbox One, I will be moving my current 360 upstairs and just watch Netflix, play GTA V, etc.
So true! Most of my friends haven't pre-ordered it and can't afford it right now. Also, some are just waiting for the price to go down. I'll probably leave mine hooked up for Netflix too. I also love Crackle. They have the good indie movies!
I already sold my 360 and games so I could afford the Xbox One and a couple games.

Sure I wish I could have kept it for Elder Scrolls and a couple other games, but selling the 360 and a TiVo just about paid for my Xbox One.
This has pretty much been my pattern over the years to get new things.
Keeping the console and about half my games (trying to sell the other half). My Wife and I still have games we want to beat on the X360. If it works well we'll hook it up to the input of the Xbox One, otherwise we might hook it up to one of our PC monitors in our office or something.

Once we get the Xbox One all of our TV use will be through it. We don't have cable or DVD/Bluray player, so the Xbox is the only thing hooked up to our TV.
I'm hoping that they will sell 360's as cheap as PS 2's were going for at the beginning of the PS 3's life because I would love to take a couple and design something for the outside as well. I would feel a whole lot less bad if I mess something up if its cheaper. So, using the 360 as an art project should be added to the list of stuff to do with your 360.
Ill keep mine. Just for the fact that im a collector now, plus there are some good game si will go back and play, like Gears of War, Halo, etc...
Like I said in another thread.My son have my 360 now.I have Time Warner Cable,a Wii U,and going to have a PS4 next year.I don't think between the Walking Dead,and NFL TWC-super mario land 3d and Batman Wii U-Infamous Second Son and whatever else comes out by spring I will like PS4-Xbox One and all the titles I am getting then plus what comes out by spring next year like titanfall I won't have time for my 360.
One positive about keeping it is that Microsoft has extended the 2 free games with gold for the Xbox 360 indefinitely.

So basically, you'll get 2 free games a month, indefinitely, just for having Xbox Live Gold.
Going to put it above the Xbox One, so it has a friend for the lonely days. Also, gaming, because Xbone is more of a glorified media center with extra games more than anything else, in my opinion.
I'm getting rid of it, I already played the games that I wanted to play and as most of the times I play online 360 just can't offer me what an xBox one can. And i'm positive that they will port some of the most famous games to xbox one sooner or later and I can deal with nostalgia then :D
I am actually selling mine too. Need those few extra bucks towards One. I didn't had chance yet to play GTA 5 but if needed instead of buying PS4 I could go for PS3 and play those few exclusives I didn't had chance to try out.
If I do get the Xbox One, I am surely going to sell my Xbox 360. It's going to be a long time since I've touched my 360, and I doubt I'll touch it again, so why not sell it along with all the games I own for it? Probably won't be selling it for much though... Finding a buyer is the problem.
Put it on Ebay NOW before the One is released. I sold mine just a few weeks ago.
Question for those who just sold their 360. How much did you make and what was the model? I have trouble finding buyers for mine.
I'm keeping mine for sure. I have too many games for it to get rid of it. I'm a big NHL fan and the NHL game isn't even hitting next gen consoles this year.

I'm only planning on getting 2-3 launch titles, then there's nothing coming out until Titanfall. I'm sure I will need something to play during that time.