Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Farewell Discussion


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
North Carolina
Well, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. From the launch of the Xbox 360, to the launch of the Kinect, and now the Xbox One. We close the chapter on a long and somewhat confusing time in Microsoft history as we begin another.

The Xbox 360 brought revolutionary new features like Smartglass, the first smartphone app to allow you to control your gaming system. As well as the Kinect. But it hasn't always been a glory train for the Xbox 360, most famous of all the Red Ring of Death still haunts Xbox gamers everywhere. The revolutionary concept of talking to your Xbox, was not such an evolutionary step. With things like you saying "Minecraft" and the Xbox shutting down your console.

What will Xbox One hold for us in the future, only time will tell. We are not in this topic to discuss that. We are here to reflect back upon the Xbox 360 and all the accessories, games, and stories that go along with it. So long Xbox 360, you will be missed.
Xbox, I knew ye well. I remember the excitement and adrenaline I felt playing the Halo 3 Beta. I remember the hours upon hours of playing the actual Halo 3 as well. These were the glory days of the 360 for me, I was in senior year of Highschool, had a decent enough part time job to help fund my gaming endeavours and a ton of free time to play all the games I wanted. There was Shadowrun, a surprisingly fun multiplayer game that just needed a bit more dev time... there was Geometry Wars, the most addictive XBLA game out there... and then there was the COD4 beta. This was some of the best multiplayer gameplay I had ever played, rivaling even Halo 3. Everything was so crisp and fluid, there was nothing like being the top of the killtab in the FFA games. And when the actual game came out, oh the hours I put into it.

Aye, there were troubles... like the constant disc reading issues. My god, that white screen in 1- different languages saying "To play this game, put it in an Xbox 360 Console." The horror, the horror. The Xbox Live 60$ a year requirement got old a little bit too fast and eventually wasn't worth the nickels and dimes, and that was by and large the end of my Xbox days. Now it grows dusty on the shelf.

But in the end, the good made up for the bad and in its prime it was one hell of a console with some kick ass games.
I think we're in uncharted territory here with the nonsense about the Xbox One and its requirements. I wouldn't be so quick to say farewell to the Xbox 360 at this point since people are much more hesitant to jump on the Microsoft bandwagon this time around. I know I'd much rather stick with my Xbox 360 at this point, even if they stop releasing new games for it in the near future.
Yeah, I uh, don't think it's really over. It's not like Microsoft is turning off Live for the 360 on day one launch of the Xbox One. It's going to be around for years to come. I personally am not sold on the One. The new features don't do it for me. I'm not about to flip over and give up on my 360 given my 50+ games and Arcade titles that Microsoft won't be providing backwards compatibility for on the One. I think Microsoft themselves even said they wanted to sell another x amount of millions of 360s in the coming years.
Yeah, I uh, don't think it's really over. It's not like Microsoft is turning off Live for the 360 on day one launch of the Xbox One. It's going to be around for years to come. I personally am not sold on the One. The new features don't do it for me. I'm not about to flip over and give up on my 360 given my 50+ games and Arcade titles that Microsoft won't be providing backwards compatibility for on the One. I think Microsoft themselves even said they wanted to sell another x amount of millions of 360s in the coming years.

Yep, existing 360's for Netflix an the apps make a nice easy cash cow for MS. It would be silly for them to turn it off as long as people are paying subs. Plus, the Xbox One has no BC. That means a lot of Halo/Cod players will still be using that old console. The tops games on live are Fifa, Cod and Minecraft. Halo I think is the 6th most played. Those games still have a lot of life.
If anything, I should be saying hello to the 360 again. The Xbox One won't be really popular in my opinion since a lot of people seem to hate the choices Microsoft is making. I will probably buy the PS4 which will replace the Xbox 360 for me, so here goes.

It's been a while since I played you, Xbox, but I fondly remember when I used to play with my friends on it. Games like 2K13 to Borderlands 2, and to my most recent game, Battleblock theater. While in do think you'll still be a lot better than the Xbox One, people have to move on and buy other consoles. Sorry for putting you with my other consoles in the wardrobe. You will be missed.
Sigh...I remember when I first got my 360. Good times, good times. I fear that the Xbox One is going to be Microsoft's worst console to date, sales wise. I've heard so may negative features that most people seem to hate, I find it hard to believe that it will be as successful as the 360, which I will stick with for the time being.
Yeah, I uh, don't think it's really over. It's not like Microsoft is turning off Live for the 360 on day one launch of the Xbox One. It's going to be around for years to come. I personally am not sold on the One. The new features don't do it for me. I'm not about to flip over and give up on my 360 given my 50+ games and Arcade titles that Microsoft won't be providing backwards compatibility for on the One. I think Microsoft themselves even said they wanted to sell another x amount of millions of 360s in the coming years.

What if the Xbox One is just a marketing scheme that Microsoft is using to sell more Xbox 360s? I know it makes the Xbox 360 look pretty great in comparison.
If anything, I should be saying hello to the 360 again. The Xbox One won't be really popular in my opinion since a lot of people seem to hate the choices Microsoft is making. I will probably buy the PS4 which will replace the Xbox 360 for me, so here goes.

Yep pretty much. No goodbyes from me. Just a "How you doing". I won't be getting a Xbox One (disgusted with the greediness of Microsoft and their stupid decisions) instead I'll just be with the Xbox 360 until they take down Live support for it. Still got quite a few years before that happens though so it's all good.
With no backwards compatibility, the 360 will probably just be lingering about along with peoples' new Xbox Ones instead of saying farewell. It's the only way to play all of your old games and XBLA games. I tend to think most people will just keep their 360s, at least for a while. Especially if new games come out on both, might as well just get it for the 360 and not put up with all of the new console nonsense + price.
I don't think the 360 will pass away anytime soon. It will still be there for a while, to remind you of an era before always-on, always connected gaming. It will still be there, to play games that you love, to let you "catch-up" on franchises you may have missed, to let you play used games.

But when it does finally pass, it will be hard to watch. First it will begin to buzz, like many 360s before. A little dusting and the hum will be tolerable.

Then, one day, it will simply no longer accept disks. "That's okay," you'll say, "I downloaded a few games directly to the hard drive, I can stick to those."

After a few months, on a warm spring morning, you'll wake up, and reach for the controller. A quick puzzle game to start the day, nothing out of the ordinary. You'll press the start button as you have done a thousand times before... and... the ring will keep spinning, and spinning, and spinning. The search for the console that will never again connect.

With a sad realization, you admit it finally to yourself.

The 360 has finally died.
I don't think the 360 will pass away anytime soon. It will still be there for a while, to remind you of an era before always-on, always connected gaming. It will still be there, to play games that you love, to let you "catch-up" on franchises you may have missed, to let you play used games.

But when it does finally pass, it will be hard to watch. First it will begin to buzz, like many 360s before. A little dusting and the hum will be tolerable.

Then, one day, it will simply no longer accept disks. "That's okay," you'll say, "I downloaded a few games directly to the hard drive, I can stick to those."

After a few months, on a warm spring morning, you'll wake up, and reach for the controller. A quick puzzle game to start the day, nothing out of the ordinary. You'll press the start button as you have done a thousand times before... and... the ring will keep spinning, and spinning, and spinning. The search for the console that will never again connect.

With a sad realization, you admit it finally to yourself.

The 360 has finally died.

Well that's depressing. I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, though. There are still a ton of games I haven't played for the 360, so I want to get on that. Plus, I'm not going to just run out and buy a new console just for the sake of having a new console. I'm not made of money, you know.
The 360: the first console to be released in the seventh console generation, and in my opinion, the best. The 360's awesome games library, features, and online service make it more than just a game console; it's a piece of history, and while I had technical issues with mine, I'll always remember it fondly. And this might seem like something relatively minor, but the 360 controller is perhaps the most well-designed controller thus far, with the only major flaw being the D-pad. I'll be playing my 360 until it's considered retro, a true testament to my love for it.
I don't think the 360 will pass away anytime soon. It will still be there for a while, to remind you of an era before always-on, always connected gaming. It will still be there, to play games that you love, to let you "catch-up" on franchises you may have missed, to let you play used games.

But when it does finally pass, it will be hard to watch. First it will begin to buzz, like many 360s before. A little dusting and the hum will be tolerable.

Then, one day, it will simply no longer accept disks. "That's okay," you'll say, "I downloaded a few games directly to the hard drive, I can stick to those."

After a few months, on a warm spring morning, you'll wake up, and reach for the controller. A quick puzzle game to start the day, nothing out of the ordinary. You'll press the start button as you have done a thousand times before... and... the ring will keep spinning, and spinning, and spinning. The search for the console that will never again connect.

With a sad realization, you admit it finally to yourself.

The 360 has finally died.

Dude, did you just watch Wall-E or something? The line "search for the console that will never again connect" kills me, lol.

If we can get old Atari 2600s and Apple IIe's to stay alive this long, I'm sure we won't have problems keeping our 360s in order for many years to come. The death of the console you speak of, tragic yet beautiful, will happen in another lifetime.
D'aww now you're making me sad. I miss my Xbox 360 :(. It sadly died a few months back. It lasted me a LONG time. It's the same one I bought since the release in I believe 05'. It red ringed for the first time a few months back. Fixed it for a while then red ringed again. Never came back after that, sadly. I haven't been able to afford a replacement, so I've just been saving for the Xbox One. Goodbye old friend! Tons of good memories and fun games were played on that old thing. Looking forward to all the fun times I'll have with the One!
Yep, existing 360's for Netflix an the apps make a nice easy cash cow for MS.
what are you talking about. xbox 360 will still be around for a long time. no one is saying goodbye yet.