Could you live without XBOX LIVE?

I could survive without Xbox Live if I wanted to as I'm not really bothered about K/D ratios etc but I buy it because it's fun to play against other people and the random comical rants you hear through your headphones at times is worth the cost of membership at times. I normally play Zombies most of the time that I am online but for a laugh and something to pass the time I would still buy it.
Yep. I did for an entire year. I just played Skyrim and Assassins Creed, and it was the most fun I had in ages and did not for a second feel or want to buy membership. Don't renew the next time your membership runs out and see if you can live without it.
Could I live without Live? simple answer is yes.
Do I want to live without Live? No

Xbox Live has been a huge part of my teen years (In all honesty).

When my friends were going out and kinda diving into their vices and stuck to mine which was gaming.
Xbox Live is a contributing factor to who I am today.
Yes I can. I don't mind if Xbox Live is gone as I don't really depend on it to have fun with my games. I'm only subscribed to Gold for the occasional online game like Cod and Battlefield, other times I just stick to single player campaigns. Might be beneficial since I can save on the annual subscription fee.
While there is a huge nostalgia factor, I now have far more friends on Steam and its free...

There are all the features you want. Cross game party chat, voice and what not. Plus, the steam sales.
I think I will be just fine without it, I mean even when I had my 360 I rarely ever actually had it only when my brother had bought it for a little bit. Never really saw a use for it because I did not care for online games since most of my friends did not even have a 360. I guess it would have been interesting for some of the free games they had but by that point it had already gone off with my brother.
I could live without Xbox Live. It's not the most essential part of Xbox 360/One for me. If I played online multiplayer religiously I'd need Live Gold.
Anyone could live without Xbox Live. It's a nice way to play, but we have played without it one time in our lives. It won't kill us if we don't.
Yeah I can live without Xbox Live. I usually get a month a bit into the second week if the first of the 2 free games is interesting to me. However since I don't play online at all I really don't need it.
I could live without it but it would decrease the fun factor in regards to playing the Xbox. A huge part of my gaming experience involves playing on Xbox Live.
Can I live without XBL? Yes. Would I care if it went away? Absolutely. Some people complain about having to pay for it, but honestly, I think that the service that they deliver is worth the yearly cost of the subscription. I play with friends a lot of the time that I'm on and now with all of the apps on the One, I think it's better than ever.
Be honest with yourself here. What would you do if news came in, and it was said that Xbox Live no longer will be existing. Because maybe it just wasn't so popular anymore? Or perhaps, people just got tired of paying to be able to use it? Would you still enjoy Xbox as much and continue to play it. Or would you just basically, give up on it? Just over Xbox "live".

As for myself. I never play Xbox Live to begin with anyone. Paid for it once, but that was it. I didn't really care for it. I figure if I want to play against other people, that there is other ways to go about that. Which is FREE!! Plus personally, from my experiences playing on Xbox Live, people sometimes will get mad at me because I'm not playing 'right'. Or I'll die, and just get frustrated. Haha!

So, comes down to it. Could you?

Could I live without Xbox Live? Sure. I can live without a lot of things. With that said, however, I wouldn't really want to. I enjoy using Xbox Live, and for more than just online multiplayer games. I stream a lot of other third party apps through Xbox Live, like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant Prime, etc. For me, giving up on Xbox Live would mean giving up on all of those streaming apps, too.
XBOX live pretty much IS the reason to get a xbox. I think the days where you just play games on your own (besides mmo's and stuff) are over. Just like had the current social trend has been towards getting more connected with each others' lives through sns like twitter and facebook, the same is happening with games. It's all about playing with or against each other to increase the enjoyability.
I could live without it of course but I'd see no reason to buy a xbox if it didn't have live. Xbox live is pretty much THE reason to get the console in the first place. Gaming these days is all about social interaction, just like with social networking sites like twitter and facebook. Nobody plays games alone these days and for good reason, for playing games as a party increases the fun value tenfold.
Seeing my current perspective on console games. I'd definitely be able to cope without xbox live being existent in my life. For me, I'd be playing single games all day longs and still be able to enjoy the console games just as much as if I were playing call of duty or halo. If I kept my previous record of console gaming, I, for sure, would not survive without xbox live due to the absence of competitive multiplayer play in games like Halo or Call of Duty as well.
Simply put it, no. Xbox live is necessary if you have an Xbox. Also, they usually run a lot of promotions so it isn't very expensive to stay a Live player. Usually it only comes down to around $4-$5 a month.
I think that I could live without my Xbox live. I haven't played online for over a year. It was only in this month that I renewed my subscription. Its just that these days I am really busy but I still love the fun of playing online against my friends seeing that we are very very competitive. Me personally I tend to have more fun when I play solo because normally when I play online the people in my party are normally keeping to much noise and it really hinders how well I play but when I go at it like a lone wolf I always manage to do a lot better. Overall though I think that if it was gone that I would not miss it too much, maybe if it was in the time that I used to play a lot of video games then maybe i would.
Yeah, playing Fallout 3 until I buy xbox live again.

Alot of people could not survive, people often only play online, and would feel bored playing offline. They would either sell their xbox or buy xbox live again.

I could survive. for a bit atleast
Honestly, the only reason I use Xbox live is so I can play Madden online. Other than that I am hardly ever on Xbox live. So yes, I think I could live without it :).
I would definitely survive without Xbox Live. A couple years ago, it would be a different story. I used to play Xbox Live all day, but now I just do whatever comes to mind. Whatever feels like fun at the time. I've met a lot of cool people on Xbox Live and that's the main reason I even bother most of the time. I've been less of a fan of multiplayer as of recently.