How many years have you had Xbox Live for?


New Member
Jan 26, 2013
On everyone's gamertag page on Xbox Live, there is a number on the right of their name showing how long they have had Xbox Live Gold for. What is your number?

I have had Xbox Live Gold for 3 years straight so far, and I don't think i'll be stopping any time soon. I actually have already bought another year's membership of Xbox Live Gold, so that 3 will be becoming a 4 soon. ;)
I never thought I'd give up my xBox live gold account either but when I did I was happy I did. It's not the cheapest thing in the world and you need internet on top of it or it won't even work which I think is wrong. Anyway, I ended up getting it again for netflix and I play some games again but believe me I will have no problem shutting it off again if they raise the price, even a little.
Wow, I never see that before. I have my Xbox Gold membership 4 years now and running. I just renewed a week ago. Loyal members for more than 4 years should be given some extra credits, maybe some Microsoft points. Don’t you think?
I never thought I'd give up my xBox live gold account either but when I did I was happy I did. It's not the cheapest thing in the world and you need internet on top of it or it won't even work which I think is wrong. Anyway, I ended up getting it again for netflix and I play some games again but believe me I will have no problem shutting it off again if they raise the price, even a little.

This trailed off completely. You never even answered the question either.b
I've had Xbox Live for about 3 years now. We use it as our media hub, so we're always using Netflix, Hulu, and on top of gaming.
I've been on Xbox live with my current name for over 5 years now.
I've been a member of Xbox LIVE since the beginning of Halo 2 on the original Xbox. However, I never transferred my original account and I've created new accounts since. The oldest one I've got right now is RoG Viper RV at 5 years.
I think 4 years now? My xbox is currently not online at the moment so I can't look. Sometimes my account will be offline for a few months before I reactivate it but I'm glad that it still counts as you being a gold member for a long time. x3
I believe I've had Xbox Live for 3 and a half years. My first game was Modern Warfare 2, so that seems about right in terms of the time frame. I've been subscribed since and enjoy every moment of it. I've had 2 gamertags in that time as well.
I don't have my Xbox 360 turned on right now to check the exact numbers ,but I've had an Xbox Live account and a gamertag for 4 years, I think.
I didn't have Xbox Live with the original XBox in 2003, but for the 360 you need Xbox Live or you're missing out on a lot of DLC content and Xbox Marketplace arcade games. I can take or leave the online gameplay, but to get my money's worth out of my games, I need XBox Live so I can download all the additional content that comes down the pipe. The entertainment stuff like Netflix is cool but it kind of sucks that you can't watch the free (non-Hulu Plus) version of Hulu since you're already paying for Live. Right now the entertainment options are the main reason I have a Gold account because I tend to avoid playing games online due to harassment from male players.
I got rid of my cable so I watch movies and shows online.
I've had mine ever since I got my Xbox, roughly 2 years ago. Not much point in having an Xbox and not having live.

With many of the current games it's very important so you can play online and with friends. I do find it kind of annoying you have to buy it though. It's cost me money that I could have used to buy more games. It's alright though, everything has a downside.
Ive had it only for a year now, with another year already paid for...
I have had Live for about 1-2 years now but I'm scared of getting banned because my Xbox is flashed.
My first purchase/initiation date is 10/22/2002. I have been a continuous member, I got Live is Five cred. No orange gear for betaing. I think I was in the last group of beta testers. I think they gave me a copy of Whacked! I can't remember. Just so you guys don't feel bad who didn't get one, I have my cell phone number attached to my main account, and I can definitely say that I never received a phone call or message from their promotional team.
I have had a few accounts on Xbox Live, I can't remember my original Xbox Live account on the Xbox but I know I had it for Halo 2. On the 360 I have had 2 accounts now, the first 5 years the second was started recently so estimated 5 years at this point. Ahh the memories.