Original Xbox My Xbox Red Ringed


New Member
Jun 18, 2018
I got an original xbox back in December and it was working fine until this month... First it wasn't reading cds then this month it stopped reading games. I tried to clean the laser but it still wouldn't read games. I left the xbox alone for a while then turned it on then it red ringed. I tried cleaning the board and everything but it still red ringed. This is a stock console and has not been modded in any way. Anyone know what's wrong?
I've had the red ring before. I have only found temporary solutions. Watching YouTube videos will probably be your best option.
Sorry to hear about your Xbox. I've seen this happen with other Xbox and typically it's been caused by corrosion on the motherboard. The clock capacitor is often the cause of this. Even if it's been removed there can be unseen damage to traces on the board. You can try to check on the board near the capacitor location for damage. Some small gauge wire and soldering could possibly fix. As Elite posted, YouTube is your friend so check there for hints on how to diagnose your Xbox. Hope yours is an easy fix
I picked up a 1st gen Xbox, and I tore it apart to repair the clock capacitor, and it was bad of course, and leaked all over the board.
I removed the capacitor, cleaned the board, and now I'm trying to find the specs on the cap so I can replace it. Does anyone have any information on this? I know it doesn't have to be replaced for the console to work, but I like to have everything replaced that needs to be.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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