Xbox One Negative Xbox One press

Gaming sites have figured out that Sony fanboys are rabid click happy zombies, the more negative press the Xbx one gets the more Sony fanboys click and click and click giving them ad revenue.
I think we can all agree that Microsoft dropped the ball BIG time when they first announced the One. And again after they back tracked on what they originally said. And that bad press is the one stuck in the heads of people. Since they admitted to making some initial mistakes and not only fixing them, but letting everyone know how their progress was going, you would think all the past stuff could be forgiven. But this is the internet folks. There is no rage like nerd rage.

I believe the launch will have some issues. But I also believe MS will be on it to correct any errors. I'm sure they're aware of what issues may be encountered. 14 daya left!!
All I have to say is :

"Xbox On"

On 11/22 I see myself sitting with an ear to ear grin, a beer next to me, the controller in my hand and bugging out over how sweet the system is. Then I will probably fall asleep in my chair with the controller still in my hand playing something (I have done this before) then wake up shower have a coffee and start all over again.
All I have to say is :

"Xbox On"

On 11/22 I see myself sitting with an ear to ear grin, a beer next to me, the controller in my hand and bugging out over how sweet the system is. Then I will probably fall asleep in my chair with the controller still in my hand playing something (I have done this before) then wake up shower have a coffee and start all over again.


Is it me or does it seem that almost any or every news story on the net is primarily negative towards Xbox One? I've only seen a couple possible negative articles towards the PS4.

I think that you are reading too much gaf . The press for xboxone is fine , it's just that gaf is spreading FUD non-stop and is ridiculing every positive xboxone piece of news .
I think that you are reading too much gaf . The press for xboxone is fine , it's just that gaf is spreading FUD non-stop and is ridiculing every positive xboxone piece of news .

Yeah, you can tell the fanboy news sites vs. the ones who want you to know real news. On a positive note, Microsoft has been pushing advertising for the XB1 like no tomorrow! Every show I watch has multiple commercials for it. Was watching The Walking Dead on Sunday and I saw at least three during the commercial breaks!

They both have their issues, but really once people get their hands on their precious PS4 they will notice the flaws a lot more since it has been labelled as the best. Whereas with xbox one good points will be easier to spot as they weren't expected, it kinda plays in favour for Xbox in a little way.
Yeah, you can tell the fanboy news sites vs. the ones who want you to know real news. On a positive note, Microsoft has been pushing advertising for the XB1 like no tomorrow! Every show I watch has multiple commercials for it. Was watching The Walking Dead on Sunday and I saw at least three during the commercial breaks!

Same here! Watched football all day Sunday and it was non stop Xbox One commercials. Saw a new one for Dead Rising and even the COD and BF4 had the Xbox One logo at the end of the advert. Then I was watching Walking Dead and there were some more. No wonder they spent 100 million in marketing.
The "console wars" get downright silly and stupid. There is an anti-ms bias out there, some of it justified, much of it completely unreasonable. The amount of negative things still being blasted towards the X1 are laughable.

People using COD Ghosts as the main comparison between PS4 and X1 just is moronic. The game is running on an ancient engine and looks terrible on all systems. Nobody buys COD for cutting edge visuals, but now all of a sudden it is the focal point in determining which console is better. Just silly.

The problem is that not everyone knows better, and stuff like this does impact people's decisions.
The "console wars" get downright silly and stupid. There is an anti-ms bias out there, some of it justified, much of it completely unreasonable. The amount of negative things still being blasted towards the X1 are laughable.

People using COD Ghosts as the main comparison between PS4 and X1 just is moronic. The game is running on an ancient engine and looks terrible on all systems. Nobody buys COD for cutting edge visuals, but now all of a sudden it is the focal point in determining which console is better. Just silly.

The problem is that not everyone knows better, and stuff like this does impact people's decisions.

That's my biggest fear. If mal-informed people hear others talking saying that the XB1 is inferior and can't hold a candle to the PS4, sales will not even compare between the two systems. Low sales will mean 3rd party companies will favor the more popular system and ultimately, we could get screwed. Look at what happened between Sega and everyone (Nintendo, Sony, etc...). Just hate to see us lose the U.S., especially since XB will never be big in Japan. Now, I could be wrong, but just worried.

Same here! Watched football all day Sunday and it was non stop Xbox One commercials. Saw a new one for Dead Rising and even the COD and BF4 had the Xbox One logo at the end of the advert. Then I was watching Walking Dead and there were some more. No wonder they spent 100 million in marketing.

Yes, the commercials were all over the place! Go Microsoft!

They both have their issues, but really once people get their hands on their precious PS4 they will notice the flaws a lot more since it has been labelled as the best. Whereas with xbox one good points will be easier to spot as they weren't expected, it kinda plays in favour for Xbox in a little way.

Oh no doubt. Being placed so high on a pedestal, just to fall as far can be a "B"!

This is all pointless in the end, this "console war" ****. People being *******s to others to justify their purchase, as if there was an objectively better system. This happens on both sides, not just one group is doing that stuff.

Besides, they'll both end up doing great and I bet Sony and Microsoft couldn't care less about the fanboys anyway. Just ridiculous that people are so up in arms about other people's opinions and decisions on something like this "console war".
This is all pointless in the end, this "console war" ****. People being *******s to others to justify their purchase, as if there was an objectively better system. This happens on both sides, not just one group is doing that stuff.

Besides, they'll both end up doing great and I bet Sony and Microsoft couldn't care less about the fanboys anyway. Just ridiculous that people are so up in arms about other people's opinions and decisions on something like this "console war".

I think the only thing Sony and Microsoft care about ultimately is sales. These petty fights from fanboys only matter in their minds. Educated consumers have already made up their minds about which system is best suited for them. I chose the XB1 for specific games, future hopeful games, the controller and even its TV / Kinect interactions. If you're a Sony PS4 fan, good luck with your purchase next week. Enjoy! If you're an XB1 fan, hold tight, you only have two weeks left to wait!

Two weeks until launch and I wanted to throw out there, lets start concentrating on the GOOD and how HAPPY we will be in 2 weeks. Quit all these negative threads and stop responding and lets get some happy thoughts going.

"Xbox On".
Two weeks until launch and I wanted to throw out there, lets start concentrating on the GOOD and how HAPPY we will be in 2 weeks. Quit all these negative threads and stop responding and lets get some happy thoughts going.

"Xbox On".

When I first started this topic, its intention wasn't to be negative, but to point out how XB1 folks are getting more negative press about their system than PS4. I believe we are all happy with our decision and are anxiously awaiting the launch day! Feels like Christmas!

Two weeks until launch and I wanted to throw out there, lets start concentrating on the GOOD and how HAPPY we will be in 2 weeks. Quit all these negative threads and stop responding and lets get some happy thoughts going.

"Xbox On".

This isn't a negative thread. Its an area to discuss why the media and internet at large continue to stir up negative news.
Maybe it's not an accident but a planned action - Sony got enough money to pay for many favorable news.

Are you saying ms can't afford to sway the press? Last time I checked Sony is barely staying alive and ms is booming financially.... ms can write off billions in lose as if it's pocket change. The difference is, Sony is paying for negative press, at the same time, they've remained almost silent while letting the fanboys do all the talking for them.... if people want to read bad news about ms then that's what they will give them.... because that's what leads to the page clicks. Sony fanboys are a very loud minority, but they are also swarming these gaming sites, leading to massive page clicks whenever there is something negative posted about ms. COD at 720p leads to hundreds of articles over a week yet when Sony announced the ps4 would not support cd's, dnla streaming, no external hard drive and a 5400rpm HD it was brushed over as no big deal. Until many people who don't read these gaming sites unbox their ps4 on launch day only to find out they can't stream their torrents to their ps4 lol..... buckle up, it's gonna be a wild six months. MS isn't worried about the bad press, they are waiting for the demo units and day one adopters to do the selling for them. They seem very confident in their product to me. I should mention I'll be buying a ps4 as well when some good exclusives are released. I've done my research, the x1 is not going to lose this console war. They are bringing a system that will sell to far more than this really loud preorder buyers
I think the only thing Sony and Microsoft care about ultimately is sales. These petty fights from fanboys only matter in their minds. Educated consumers have already made up their minds about which system is best suited for them. I chose the XB1 for specific games, future hopeful games, the controller and even its TV / Kinect interactions. If you're a Sony PS4 fan, good luck with your purchase next week. Enjoy! If you're an XB1 fan, hold tight, you only have two weeks left to wait!


Exactly. People fight so hard to defend their choice and make it seem like the other is inferior in every way, it's ridiculous.

Hell, I bet Sony and Microsoft even enjoy each other's products. For example, Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has an Xbox 360 and a Wii U. The 360 is even a Halo limited edition. Bet some fanboys would be shocked to hear that the ones they "side with" buy their competition's products, heheh...
Yeah, the funniest thing about the console wars is that both consoles are completely sold out and will probably be hard to find through the end of the holidays. Every PS4 and XB1 they can make will fly off the shelf. Having a healthy and close competition between the two means that the winner is... the gamer! Heaven forbid if one of the console makers pushed the other out of the market one day. It would be like with sports games when there's only one game for a sport each year... no competition means no innovation.

There's no wrong choice this next gen. Both sides will be loving life in a few weeks... well one a week earlier. :p