What does Gamerscore mean to you?


New Member
Dec 21, 2013
I'm not the people that go for 1000/1000 gamerscore for every game out there, but because I play a lot of games I've racked up quite a high Gamerscore for my GT. It's fun to be able to brag about it sometimes but it also kind of reminds me how I've got no life lol. How do you guys feel about gamerscore, are you a completionist that like to achieve 1000/1000?
It's meaningless. It just shows how much you play the game, and not how good you are....at least for the most part. They are just achievements and stuff everybody can get. I'd rather have in-game stats like Kill/Death ratios and stuff. Any campaign/story mode and completing it is meaningless in my opinion. But I feel for non-competitive people the gamerscore can be fun to do all of the different things to get the points. I just like competition, and to me gamerscore doesn't encompass that.
I don't actually care about my Gamerscore or Trophies and such on PS consoles. It's this and the previous generation's version of the old top score system from older consoles. Like back then it made no sense since the score was save to that cartridge or your memory card and it's like...who is going to beat this score? Who are you actually going to let play the game long enough to beat your score? With Gamerscore and Trophies it works better, but it's largely useless.
i hate it.. ive beaten games and it shows me with 1/2 the collection of points.. it may give you more content/play time but its usually grind work.. and on some games it is pointless. i also dont play a ton of games so it shows me as a lower level player which tends to be annoying..(really funny i care) and whats worse is achievements dont transfer over as gamerscore.. but really dont do a dang thing for you.. so really whats the point.

i can see an in game or linked position in gameplay... if its arcade or fps where rank/stats do something.. but in allot of games it has absolutely no point..
I like the whole gamerscore thing. I wouldnt brag about it thou as Crispy Eggos said, it doesnt reflect how good you are at a game.
Its still cool thou to have certain goals to try and complete which can provide some replay value and a sense of achieving something.
Plain bragging rights. Its like a dick measuring contest. Good way to talk down your friends.
I like the idea of gamerscore because it does add some element of longevity!

Just like an unlockable, achievements make you revisit the game and at times re-enjoy/relive the experience.

I have an okay amount of gamerscore, but i've never used it in a conversation to brag, but in a way to make us talk about the game more!

It's not always a dick measuring contest lol.
When it comes to achievements and what not in video games I tend to not care so much about them because they are often trivial and boring to complete, which is why I do not get "100%ers". I like to play games for fun so doing something that is often boring or ridiculous when it comes to actually getting it done just does not attract me.
I'm not going to lie...I like achievement points. Do I need to get 1000/1000? Nope. But especially being a girl, it kind of shows that I actually do really play games and not just the wussie ones :)
some people just find it fun to completely finish a game. People make those "grinding" actions/achievements sound so dreary but hey they're not to everyone. Personally I love the idea of gamerscore and acievements/trophies as they do add another level of competitive and I'm a rather competitive person so if my gamerscore is higher then everyone's on my friend's list (which it's not...stupid cousin...) then I'm just gonna go and find more people and continue to goku the crap outta them. As for the "Just cause you have *insert achievement here* doesn't mean you're better at the game" thing then well...do you have it? It can be argued that it does make you "better" at that game. (keep in mind I use the idea of skill levels lightly as there is a difference [like in sport] between technical skill and execution) If it's one of those one time action ideals like killing someone from the top of a building while parachuting...that means he has it in his repertoire/good aiming/recoil control which means, on paper, he should be able to beat out someone who doesn't. Even grinding achievements mean that they know that type of enemy better. If nothing else they subconsciously picked up some things and muscle memory will help them out.
I suppose what i should have said is that gamer score is not a reliable way of telling if someone is good at a game, unless you were to go through and check every single achievement. There is no standard to how hard an achievement is and how many points you get for it except perhaps on a game to game basis. Just by looking at someones score you cant really say, well that person must be a god at games.

For every achievement that is hard to get im sure theres two other ones that are easy as and reward with a high number of points.
When I first got the 360, I thought that the gamerscores are useless and completely pointless. Overtime, they kind of grew on me a little. It's nice to see a high Gamerscore even though I don't brag about it. I have always wished that Gamerscore can be used to redeem stuff on the marketplace. That would be awesome.
It's nice to see, and I enjoy having a decent GS, but I don't go out of my way to get my GS up.
It's nice to see, and I enjoy having a decent GS, but I don't go out of my way to get my GS up.

I don't really pay attention too much on my game score. I guess in my opinion it's just there to make you feel like you have a goal to reach.
It's a fun little addition that might entice me to play the game in unusual ways, so I like them.
It's a fun little addition that might entice me to play the game in unusual ways, so I like them.

Guess so. The more I look at my game score the more I think that I need to improve more on my games.
I forgot to mention that if you're a xbox rewards member then your gamerscore earns you cashback on your digital purchases with 3% if you have 70,000 or more so that's nice.