What is the best way to make popcorn?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2013
Has anyone tried popcorn in a pan like Jiffy Pop or whatever it is called? I don't like to use microwaves for popcorn. Does anyone own a popcorn maker? What is the best one out there? I'd love to make caramel popcorn and maybe some other wild stuff. What are some cool things to add to popcorn? Chocolate for one.
I have a Cuisinart one that the hubby won at a charity golf outing and it works really well. Here's the link to it on Amazon. Works super easy and is a breeze to clean up. I haven't tried adding anything exciting-just white cheddar flavor because I'm addicted :)
I'll have to check that link out for the Cuisinart. Thank you for the recommendation. I'll probably buy a popcorn maker within the next couple of months. I also love white cheddar popcorn. It is so good along with regular cheddar popcorn. I'm addicted to both. Smartfood makes a good white cheddar popcorn. Yum!
The only way I make popcorn is in the microwave. I set it for about 1:30 and it comes out perfect. I'm one of those people who doesn't like waiting on things though, so the microwave is perfect. I've never tried popcorn from a pan, but I've had it from a kettle and it tasted almost identical to what I make in the microwave, so I don't try to get fancy and over think it
I've read about the factory workers who got cancer from the butter used in microwaveable popcorn. I haven't ate microwaved popcorn since reading about those poor laborers. Apparently it's not the kernels themselves but the chemicals in the butter that the workers were exposed to while on the popcorn assembly line. So I have gone without popcorn for a while though I might get one of those cusine arts mentioned above.
im a simple guy when it comes to popcorn, just give me a buttered popcorn or get me some caramel popcorn.
Honestly, in my opinion the easiest, tastiest popcorn is the bags in the microwave. However, they always say those bags are unhealthy and have some weird chemical or something inside them, so I've switched off it. I use an air popper now, they're pretty cheap, available on Amazon or anywhere, and I just buy the kernels with some spray butter and white cheddar seasoning. They make a few different seasoning options now, at my grocery they're right there in the popcorn section. It's the same ones you see at the theaters in some locations now. They're pretty much the only way to save the bland air-popped (without butter) popcorn. However, the "butter" seasoning seems like a waste though, I could barely taste it, I avoid that one. I might try the jalepiño cheese one next. Spicy sounds good, I used to dump hot salt on my popcorn to the point where I'd be sneezing from it haha. But anyway, if you want a somewhat healthier option than the microwave, that's my advice.
I actually use this recipe I found little while back. My wife and I were tired of eating the microwave bag popcorn. We tried a few different ways, but this one was the best.

Stovetop Popcorn
Yield: 1 to 3 servings
Time: About 5 minutes

1 generous tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon popcorn kernels

1. Put the oil in an 8-inch saucepan over medium-high heat. (If you’re using another size saucepan, just use enough oil to cover the bottom in a very thin but unbroken layer.) Add the popcorn; the bottom of the pan should be covered in a single layer of kernels. Cover partially and cook undisturbed until the kernels begin popping. Once the corn is popping in earnest, give the pan an occasional shake.

2. When the popping slows to the point that there’s an interval of 1 to 2 seconds between each pop, remove the pan from the heat and transfer the popcorn to a bowl. Season with salt and serve immediately.
I don't like using the microwave either. I think it just makes my food taste yucky and zapped. I buy my own kernels at health food stores and then I just put a little bit of butter or oil at the bottom of a huge pot and put the lid on. I shake it over the flame and wait for everything to sound popped. I'm too cheap to buy a new air popper. My popper died about 5 years ago and now I make my own kettle corn popcorn too. I love good popcorn!
I got the misses a popcorn maker last year and she loves it.I hate popcorn so it's not my personal opinion.But just pour the kernels in and turn on and popcorn just start popping and overflowing out the machine.I like watching it. :)
My mother in law makes the best pop corn I have ever tasted. She pops the kernels on the stove top in a pot. She uses coconut oil and coconut butter. It's pretty simple really and only takes a few minutes. My wife and I play cards at her old folks home with a bunch of the other ladies and they all love it. It's a big hit.
Try something like this. A special glass popper, or even a frying pan tends to work better than the cheap microwavable packages you can get for a buck. The type of corn you use also matters.
I have a hot air popper and have used it for years and years. It comes out nice and fluffy and doesn't have all of the chemicals that microwave popcorn has. They aren't all that expensive either.
To to the cinema, go to the popcorn clerk dude, ask for some popcorn and go home and enjoy your Popcorn! Well technically it isn't exactly making popcorn, but well they've got the best sort of popcorns out there, those cinemas.
I have been told that it i actually healthier to pop the popcorn kernels in a pot. The microwave method is not the best way.