Xbox 360 What was the first game you purchased for your Xbox 360?

I got mine as a gift and it game with Left 4 Dead and Dead Island, but the first game I bought was GTA IV. I had a blast playing it and once I got Xbox Live and went on multiplayer then I was hooked. I am still hooked. Everyone is busy playing GTA V and I'm still on IV playing around at the airport.
The first game I bought for the 360 was the first Mass Effect and what a game it was. I got it for $5 and bought it later on Games on Demand for $20 so I could have an electronic copy. It was such a great game and led to hours and hours in the Mass Effect universe doing crazy things. The very first game I bought ended up being one of my favorite things to play during that time. Great memories, and will probably play again.
Man I got mine at launch. So I got Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and something else. I can't remember the other game now though! I want to say it was the Call of Duty that came out at launch but I don't remember. They honestly didn't have enough really good launch titles when the 360 came out, but whatever, they got there first and that was the main thing that mattered!