Xbox One What's your next purchase?


New Member
Apr 8, 2014
What game are you thinking of getting after finishing whatever you are playing now?
My next purchase will definitely be Watchdogs, just about a month and a half to go! :D
I know man. It's been a few years since we last saw infamous and this needs a sequel really soon.

Yeah, really excited for this game as well. I've long waited for a sequel and I really enjoyed the first game.
My next game will be Child of Light, but Watchdogs is definitely a purchase as well!

Got to be Watchdogs, that game is delayed for so long that I am curious as to what the devs has done to it now. I do hope its a great game and not just another GTA-like copy.
The game I am going to purchase next has definitely got to be watchdog's. I have been waiting for It to finally be released for so long I can barely wait. I have been looking up info on the game like a mad man. I am playing Black Flag and Sniper Elite V2 for the meantime, both pretty good games, Sniper Elite especially.
Destiny. I have enough right now to keep me busy with other systems (Mario Kart 8, Fire Emblem: Awakening, etc) until it comes out :D
Watch dogs, like a lot of people for sure! Other than that I want to be the new Wolfenstein which should be released in 2 weeks, and The Evil Within since I love survival/horror games. Let's see if they are worth the money.
child of the light... under 20bux iirc seems to have some good play time... i have not played many turn based rpg's so it will get me on a new game style for a reasonable price.. if i dont like it i dont feel bad because its not 60+bux..

other than that idk ive debated on the crew if/when it comes out.. really just waiting for for a few big titles.. the division being one... but mostly i am waiting for the launch games to drop in price and pic them up used or on the market place(providing price drop/sale) i want to try zoo tycoon the zombie game and such but im in no big rush to buy games at cost.
I might get Child of Light too, either on console or PC. Haven't decided yet.

BTW: With Watch_Dogs and Child of Light, this thread show a lot of love for Ubisoft!
watch_dogs, I'm kinda low on funds atm but I'll grab that around launch if not on launch (If it doesn't get delayed :p)
I've spent way to much on games recently. I'm going to lay low for a while and not buy anything until the new Assassin's Creed comes out. That's still going to be a while but I need to control my budget.
I think mine will be Diablo 3. I have been slowing on buying so many games until I start finishing more. I have 11 or 12
right now and only 100% completed 1.