Xbox One Who is getting Destiny?


Aug 21, 2014
How many of you here plan on getting Destiny? How many of you have already pre-ordered? I always shy away from pre-ordering for some reason but I will definitely be getting it on release day, which I think is the 9th of September. Looking forward to it as I only have a handful of One games at present. Ready for something new.
im on it like black on a xb1...
got the digital pre order from gamestop... getting the bonus stuff and the expansion pack(season pass)

i am semi excited i hope the big changes they made after the betta make it a better game and really gave the ma feel for how op somethings were.. i am all about the solo game honestly.. im not really all that excited about the pvp stuff but will get into it at some point..

yes the game launches the 9th of september so midnight the 8th.. it is also pre loadable where if purchased on the xb1 you can download it and have it ready where at midnight it will be unlocked and its no waiting..
I'm getting Destiny and I'm hoping it goes better for me than Titanfall. Played the Titanfall beta and loved it, then bought the game and got tired of it in less than a week. Played the Destiny beta and loved it, so hopefully I keep on loving it after I shell out $60 for it.
I'm getting Destiny and I'm hoping it goes better for me than Titanfall. Played the Titanfall beta and loved it, then bought the game and got tired of it in less than a week. Played the Destiny beta and loved it, so hopefully I keep on loving it after I shell out $60 for it.

destiny is offering more than titanfall by far.. i see where your comming from with wondering the loningevity of destiny tho.. i feel destiny has a much better plan than they had with titanfall.

destiny has an actual story mode and big solo play with the ability to do a ton of side missions.. it already has signs of a good first expansion pack(season pass)than it has an extensive pvp/multiplayer mode and which ever you choose the items transfer over to solo and such..

my biggest worry is the size of the levels/map more than how long i will enjoy playing.. i know it will be agame you eiter enjoy and grind or once you get the solo out the way your either going to try the multiplayer or not.. i have much more intrest in the story/solo aspect over multiplayer..
i have much more intrest in the story/solo aspect over multiplayer..

Same here. There's another in the house though that is all about that online multiplayer so pretty much any game we go in halves on has to have both offline and online play options. That's one thing I like about Destiny and it's one reason I wouldn't go in halves on Titanfall. (He had to buy that one by himself.)
Same here. There's another in the house though that is all about that online multiplayer so pretty much any game we go in halves on has to have both offline and online play options. That's one thing I like about Destiny and it's one reason I wouldn't go in halves on Titanfall. (He had to buy that one by himself.)

allto fp eople really liked the pvp in destiny during beta.. and from the rumors the good loot/gear is easier to get their... with the release of this weeks info about destiny im ok with it but know how hard it will make the game..
basically its setup like a mmo.. with raid bosses they do rare/unique drops but you can only farm them once a day per character.. and thats not saying you will get the rare drop... and when i say rare item i mean 1 peice.. in destiny its a whole suite and such.... so you can see where this could be time consuming...
Each class has an entire set of gear to chase across the two difficulties.

And of course, there are Raid weapons. Each of Destiny’s nine weapon archetypes (Auto Rifle, Hand Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Fusion Rifle, HMG, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun and Scout Rifle) has a Legendary version that has been created specifically for the Raid.

The armor and weapons are completely unique to the Raid activity. They are visually and thematically connected to the combatants you’ll fight in the Vault of Glass.

And of course, there are more rewards behind the Vault’s door that we won’t detail today.


for someone with no life or obligatins great... but really thats hard to stay on top of... especially if you want that rare stuff... and how long will that set of loot be avaliable... few weeks..
destiny has an actual story mode and big solo play with the ability to do a ton of side missions..

This is the lesson I learned the hard way with Titanfall, which is not to buy a game that doesn't have a separate, dedicated story mode. The closer we get to the 9th, though, the less worried I am about my experience with Destiny going the same way as Titanfall and the more excited I get about getting a new game. :D
One_chic_gamer -- I agree that about not buying games that don't support offline play. I like online play too but there are times that I just don't want to be in a multiplayer environment; I'd rather just play alone for a couple of hours.
I do. With all the fuss going about Destiny its hard not to get into that. I never got the pre order though, I'll wait for the proper reviews before I get the game.
My Gold just expired yesterday and I have no plans to renew yet so right now, I'm not sure. Before my Gold expired, I wanted to get the game because I thought my Gold will only expire in October. Maybe someday, when I renew my subscription I'll buy the game.
I have already pre-ordered the game. I couldn't get the Ghost Edition anywhere, but I am happy that I will be able to play the game as soon as it launches. Le's just hope that servers are stable enough.
I have already pre-ordered the game. I couldn't get the Ghost Edition anywhere, but I am happy that I will be able to play the game as soon as it launches. Le's just hope that servers are stable enough.

if they are anything like warframe the game is going to catch allot of crap.... i wish these companies would use dedicated microsoft servers why they feel they can offer a better solution than microsoft is beyond me...
I don't have it on pre-order but I'm buying the game as soon as it's released. I liked the whole concept since it's been revealed: the gameworld, the gameplay, the classes. And the armors man, the armors is what caught my eye - I love all those rags and little items that hang on the characters, they feel more alive. And I don't know how fast I'll get bored or if the game will live to my expectations but I'm pretty sure I'll have a good portion of fun out of it :D Soon!
that install is 40g.... its a biggggg game...

:eek: Are you serious?! FORTY gigs?! That's gonna be an overnight install, my God! At this rate I'm going to need another hard drive a lot sooner than I thought...
:eek: Are you serious?! FORTY gigs?! That's gonna be an overnight install, my God! At this rate I'm going to need another hard drive a lot sooner than I thought...

yessir 40g of space.. and thats without any patches or the expansion/dlc stuff...

your best bet is to pre order on xbox marketplace thru the xb1.... you can pre load it on your system so its installed before you it launches... than its only a click away that night.. only other option is on disk...:(

i have it pre ordered digitally at gamestop i think i may switch my pre order to sunset overdrive and buy destiny on the marketplace..

but yea i feel ya on needing a external hd i figure by christmas im basically maxed out... especially if i get ea access... 1-2 games a month free +5 eaccess games +destiny and sunset would basically burn thru all my free data... and id still like worms and child of light
I am still undecided on this. It looks nice, but am worried it will go the same way Titanfall did. Hype, trials/demos then when it got here after a few weeks it faded fast with many complaining about it.
yessir 40g of space.. and thats without any patches or the expansion/dlc stuff...

your best bet is to pre order on xbox marketplace thru the xb1.... you can pre load it on your system so its installed before you it launches... than its only a click away that night.. only other option is on disk...:(

i have it pre ordered digitally at gamestop i think i may switch my pre order to sunset overdrive and buy destiny on the marketplace..

but yea i feel ya on needing a external hd i figure by christmas im basically maxed out... especially if i get ea access... 1-2 games a month free +5 eaccess games +destiny and sunset would basically burn thru all my free data... and id still like worms and child of light

I normally don't preorder but your point about being able to install before the release date of the game is a really strong argument for going ahead and preordering. I might have to rethink my whole stance about not preordering...

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