Xbox 360 Will you be selling your Xbox 360?


New Member
Jun 21, 2013
I will be selling my 360 in the next few weeks to try to build up a next generation console fund. After I complete the game I am currently playing, Alan Wake, I will say goodbye to my system. Seven years have passed since I purchased my console, and I feel there's not much left in terms of games for it coming that won't also be on the next gen systems. It sucks saying so long to my old friend, but I've gotten more than enough out of my purchase.

Does anyone else feel the same way?
Nah, I won't. I've had 3 different 360's over the last 4-5 years and I reckon I'll still keep one around to play even well into the future when we have much more advanced machines.
Even if I only keep it to emulate other consoles as they die out as it is a powerful console.
Definitely not.
I'll probably trade it in for the Xbox One.

I mainly play online and I'm always in a party whenever I jump onto it. Paying an extra £40 every year for Gold on a console I'd rarely use seems a bit of a waste of money to me
I won't be selling mine, I have a habbit of keeping all of my old consoles. I still have my original NES system and my PS1. I still plug them in and play them from time to time.
No, I'll be keeping this console like I always do with my other consoles. You never know when it might come in handy, or just play it for nostalgic purposes, or replaying old games.
Nope. for the simple fact that GTA V was, so far, only announced for Xbox 360 and PS3. No next gen confirmed, yet.
We are not going to sell the old one as we already decided it will work fine in another room of the house. Anytime something new comes out it stays in the main room until it becomes outdated, then it either goes to our room or the den (for the kids).
I do not own an Xbox 360 since I'm more of a computer gamer, but if I did I would probably keep it in case Microsoft ultimately not allow backward compatibility with 360 games so If I had one I would keep it.
I will keep it so I can play the games on it. Though I HAVE considered selling it to buy a PS3, but when I think about it I remember I would have to rebuy the games I love and still play (mostly fighters like TTT2 and P4A) so I decide against it.
When I get a PS4, I will keep my Xbox 360. Both systems with easily have another five year life span, so that's plenty more gaming into the next decade.
No. In fact, I'm not buying the new gen consoles at launch and I intend on catching up on games I have yet to play from this gen.
That is a great question that even I am having trouble answering. I have the Xbox 360, my beloved console and I am not sure if I am going to sell it and then use the money for a new console or if I am going to keep it for the future. As I found out with my old Wii, when you sell a console or even a game for that matter, as soon as you loose it, you want to play it a ton. I went 1 week before I re-bought my Wii. I am also in love with my xbox. I would rather make money and buy a new console rather than loose one of my most prized possessions. There are also games such as GTA V that are only being released for Xbox 360, that I do not want to miss out on. I will also hold on to it because, if next gen gaming sucks, I would like to have something to fall back on.
I don't think I will sell it, I always keep my old consoles in case I someday want to play some game for them (I never do, but anyway).
Not only am I keeping my 360, I think I might buy a PS3, there are a tons of good games I missed this generation and there's no rush to jump into the next generation just yet.
I keep all my Xboxes consoles (x6)...kinda collect 'em...a backup for a backup, just in case.
The only reason I ever sell my consoles is to get a new one (of the same sort). The only exception is when I sold my original Xbox to afford a 360, but I ended up selling my games alongside it which is something I definitely won't do with my 360 games. The fact that the Xbox One doesn't feature backwards compatibility means there's no reason to ditch the 360 just yet.
I was going to sell mine, but unfortunately it finally red ringed on me earlier today. I think now I may just go ahead and buy the Xbox One. In the future I may pick up another Xbox 360, just to have it in my collection of game consoles.
I really really doubt I sell my Xbox360. First off, I doubt I upgrade systems any time soon... and secondly, I love my Xbox... there's no way I could part.
I'm going to keep it for sure. There are still a lot of great games for the 360, including some ones that will be coming out soon. I really see no point because as soon as the Xbox One is released, the resale value of the Xbox 360 is going to plummet. Why get a $75 Gamestop coupon when you can keep it and still play some great games for it?
I'm dreading a red ring of death because there's no way I can afford another 360 right now. I'd rather have it happen after my Xbox Live subscription ends, at least. But it's very unlikely that I'd sell my current 360 in any case, since I have no plans to replace it or buy the Xbox One anytime soon.