Original Xbox Xbox Popularity


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
I used to work at GameStop so I got to see tons of different sides to the gamer community. In my particular location, I noticed that the Xbox reigned supreme as far as popularity went because every five out of seven transactions involved the system or games for it.
Was the Xbox the more popular console where you grew up? If so, did you buy yours because all your friends had one and you wanted in on some of that exciting multiplayer action?
To tell the truth, the only reason I bought an Xbox over a PS3 was because every last one of my friends owned an Xbox. I was very excited when we bought it back in '08 and still miss the fun memories I got to make over live. It's a shame that there's so much division in the gaming world these days.
I didn't care for the Xbox for a while, but then I started to see its appeal. I was a big fan of the Gamecube because its games appealed more to me at that age. But I suppose I grew up to play the Xbox and haven't gone back to Nintendo since. It isn't that Nintendo doesn't make good games or consoles, but I just don't feel that same affinity anymore.
I used to work at GameStop so I got to see tons of different sides to the gamer community. In my particular location, I noticed that the Xbox reigned supreme as far as popularity went because every five out of seven transactions involved the system or games for it.
Was the Xbox the more popular console where you grew up? If so, did you buy yours because all your friends had one and you wanted in on some of that exciting multiplayer action?

It seems to be fairly split around here. I know about an equal number of people loyal to Xbox and Playstation, respectively. As for me, I went with Xbox because it was cheaper than PS3 at the time.
In my area during the Xbox period it really varied depending on which guys' house you played over. At my house Gamecube and PlayStation 2 was it, over another friend's house it was PS2 or DC. I knew two guys with Xbox in my immediate neighborhood and we had to ask them if they could hook it up so we could try out the games (PS2 was hooked up at one place and GC at the other). In high school it was heavily PS2, a few GCs, and Sega holdouts had DCs (it was around that time my friend left his DC over my house and never returned for it).

A lot of guys in my 11th or 12th grade class said they had OG Xboxes before, but with the RLOD being significant in that first wave, they opted for something more reliable so it shifted to PS2.
Its about split here. We don't have a fierce rivalry, and many people I know own both (some all three with the Wii). Waste of money, if you ask me, as the number of true exclusives is limited.
It seemed to be a lot between xbox and ps2, and i feel like ps2 was more popular, but now it seems like the xbox is way more popular.
I remember at the time it was hard PS2, soft Xbox and Gamecube. Then hard Wii, hard 360, soft PS3...mainly because PS3 priced itself out of competition early on. By the time PS3 bounced back it was 360 had won the popularity contest, Wii was sitting on most consoles moved, and no one was really caring since generation 8 was on the way.
I cannot see the Xbox being more popular than the Playstation 2 system back when they both were competing. However I think if anything it would be a close run, because they were both great systems to own and they both kept me entertained as well. I kind of liked some of the Xbox exclusives though.
During G6 nothing really came close to PS2's popularity. Xbox and Gamecube had closer runs with each other overall. PS2 was a beast--which probably contributed to Sony getting cocky and pricing PS3 higher.
While they did it's easy to see why when your console dwarfs the lifetime sales of your competitors combined from that generation about two times over.
PS2 benefited from a great library and being successful the generation prior. Plus it got the GTA games.
PS2 is probably more popular than the Xbox, I mean, everyone in my neighborhood owned a PS2 and I think they were only like 3 of us with an Xbox. But I guess it comes with the territory, I mean PS1 set the grounds and so does the N64, so a new comer, the Xbox will have to compete really hard for it to gain its place, and apparently it did.
That would be the main point to me - its really all about the games that are available.
I agree about having a decent library available. Xbox really proved itself over time, and continues to. I think we'll see more ground gained as they secure more flagship series. Sony has had the edge on RPGs for a long time, but it looks like that's starting to change. Once the selections are even, I think we'll really see these two consoles duke it out.
Every single one of my friends encouraged me to get an Xbox because they all had one. That is essentially what formed my love for Xbox to this day. It's a great way to hang out with friends without being together, and the best part is we can do it all day!
In my friend circle, PS2 was more popular than xbox because we had more games running on PS2 at that time. But i liked xbox, so I got both of them. It was fun as hell!
I didn't get an Xbox until much later because there was little worth getting on the console. In my immediate area PS2 was king. It was also king in my circle of friends.
Mine was a gift so I didn't have the chance to really take sides in all of this. I am happy with what I have and it will take something really fine to get me to change.