Xbox One Do you think GTA V will be released for Xbox One/PS4?


Apr 24, 2013
They released an official gameplay trailer today, and it looks pretty great. The graphics look superior, and it looks like the world is much bigger, and offers more gameplay. Do you think think it's going to come out for the PS4/Xbox One, or will it be exclusive to the PS3/Xbox 360, and potentially the PC? There are rumors and articles floating around that they will release it for both consoles, but you can't really be sure. What do you think?

i think they would release for xb1/ps4 but as of right now they are saying on 360/ps3.... after reading the forza5 was in development before forza4 was out id think rockstar would have known about xb1/ps4 with bf4,cod ghost being quad platform rockstar would be stupid to hold out on the new market imo..

that title alone pushed at launch on either system would be a great sell and would have been a huge push/reveal at e3... the game has gotten less hype than it normaly would get with console wars...
I bloody hope they release it on both because I do not want them to release it to just one console. because I wont be getting xb1 for a while after the release and I'd be screwing if it didn't come out on the 360!

I honestly cannot wait for GTA V though it comes out just before my birthday and Playing GTA V will be better than turning 20! The gameplay looks amazing.
I wonder how this type of thing works, I assume somehow the "source" of the game is higher quality, because it will surely later be released on PC since all of the other GTAs have been, and surely the PC will have better graphics than the very dated hardware of the Xbox 360 for example. So I assume they make the more ideal version and then scale it down, reduce polys and draw distance etc to make it work smoothly on the Xbox? If that is indeed the case, you would think they could do a version of it with little effort for the next gen systems, just dumb down the graphics less. When I say "little" obviously it's still a somewhat large undertaking, but I mean, it's not like designing the game from scratch.
Found an article online explaining a bit why they might release it for both consoles. If Rockstar doesn't release it on the consoles, that will be a lot of sales down the drain. Their open world, and good gameplay will surely go to waste since a lot of people are anticipating the release of both consoles. Not to mention that the Xbox supposedly has better graphics when playing games, GTA V may look amazing on it.

GTA 5 likely to release with Xbox one and PlayStation 4 | The News Tribe
Found an article online explaining a bit why they might release it for both consoles. If Rockstar doesn't release it on the consoles, that will be a lot of sales down the drain. Their open world, and good gameplay will surely go to waste since a lot of people are anticipating the release of both consoles. Not to mention that the Xbox supposedly has better graphics when playing games, GTA V may look amazing on it.

GTA 5 likely to release with Xbox one and PlayStation 4 | The News Tribe

The market for the Xbox One and PS4 are unknown right now. Nobody knows how well they'll sell. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 already have a big member base. And if people want to play GTA V they will have the console already to play on.

You have to remember, GTA V is a very large game and I'm sure it's been in development for years, far before Forza 5 and 4. Maybe they delayed the Spring release to try and develop a quick Next-gen copy. Maybe not though.
At this point I think it's highly unlikely. For a game of this magnitude I think it would have already been announced of it was going to be released on PS4 or Xbox One. To be honest, I think it would have been announced around E3 if this was the case. I can see why many would want it for next gen consoles but it's not like the PS3 and 360 will die as soon as the next gen consoles are released as many will not be making that initial switch to next gen.
According to Rockstar, they've only said that the game will run on "everything". To be honest though, I'm going to agree with Clark that there are a lot of resources behind making it work on "everything". I don't think that everything includes the new consoles. That's okay though because I'd rather preorder this and be playing it like none other on my 360 then buy a One and a game. This will keep the 360's life going for a little bit.
I really doubt they will release it on X1/PS4, really. I mean, if they were planning on that then they would have commented on it by now but I haven't heard anything official about it. I'm certain it will be a PS3/360/PC game.
It is kind of an unfortunate time to release a game really. I mean, fans will want to buy it when it comes out, and most won't want to buy it again or wait for a later release date for the next gen systems. It kind of a lose lose situation. If they delay it then fans will be bummed, but it will also be a shame to keep playing it on the 360 when the One is out with better specs. Honestly, I feel like the best thing would be just to postpone it and release it on the next gens... although that probably won't be a popular opinion here haha.
I would hope they would release it on the new ones, too. Otherwise they might see a hit in sales. We're already in a time when people are tightening belts all over, so what are you going to do when you want to buy some entertainment and you have a choice between a game on a system you're going to replace soon or buying a new console entirely? Or maybe that's just on my mind...
Well you can bet on a PC version about 4-6 months after release, just like other GTA games. I think that a Xbox One version will come in time as well, it's released at such a late time that I would imagine that they are working to get it to work with the next gen. Either way, I'm going to be playing it for the 360 and enjoy it. I still can't wait until the PC version is announced then released, all those mods and so little time. I just upgraded my PC too so I really want to stress test it with something like this.
Well you can bet on a PC version about 4-6 months after release, just like other GTA games. I think that a Xbox One version will come in time as well, it's released at such a late time that I would imagine that they are working to get it to work with the next gen. Either way, I'm going to be playing it for the 360 and enjoy it. I still can't wait until the PC version is announced then released, all those mods and so little time. I just upgraded my PC too so I really want to stress test it with something like this.

This is exactly what I came here to say, hopefully they will scale up V better than they did with IV so PC users will actually get some use of out of their hardware, and at the same time they will be able to scale it down to the PS4 and the Xbox One.
I truly doubt it to be honest. You already have a nice market of people with the current gen. If you release to next gen then you run the risk of people not buying simply because they can't currently afford the new tech. You also have the issue of trying to compromise wherein you lose sales because people got tired of waiting and decided they just get used or something. Honestly they should just drop it and later on they can have a "Special" edition for the next gen.
they could have developed it for all 4 systems like cod and bf4... the graphics on gta5 are nothing amazing and obviously if on ps3/xb360 could easily be run on xb1/ps4 they proably didnt want next gen due to general numbers off the bat of the console/pre orders even tho the xb1 has out pre ordered xb360 already. i still wont buy it for my 360 and if it comes out for xb1 it will be a used game..

i wouldnt be suprised if 6 months from now they re structure the game for next gen...
I actually don't think they will, simply because the consoles are brand new, and they've invested so much into the current gen. The game has been in development for near 5 years, and I know they considered next gen once they likely got a hold of it last year. Still, by virtue of the project progress and the simple fact that there are more 360s/PS4s out there than XB1s/PS4s, they will stick to their guns. Maybe a special Game of the Year edition will come out in a year or two for the next gen, though.
Well, right now Rockstar has said that there are no plans for a next-gen port of GTA 5. It looks like they're trying to get it in for this generation and then just wait until they have another project to start doing things on the next-gen consoles, which is certainly an interesting move. It'll hurt sales of the new consoles, that's for sure.
Today, the world revolves around money!
I could swear that GTA5 arrive on PS4 and Xbox One. This game is a great value.

It may be this game on PSN or in bundles combining all the DLC will see.
I do not think I'll buy it on PS4 anyway. I always waited on PS3.

The game is already beautiful anyway!
It's pretty much confirmed that they are going to release it for both of the next gen platforms with the PC version. The reason for not announcing the next gen versions right now is that they don't want to sell less on PS3 and 360. If they announce the next gen versions, most of the gamers like me would wait for the next-gen versions to arrive and wouldn't bother touching the current gen build, as we all know that it will look far better on more capable machines.

Why would someone one buy 360/PS3 version if they can get a better version for the same price? You see, that's why they are not announcing it.
No, there is no way something like that would happen in the near future. Rockstar still doesn't know how to use the dev kits on those consoles, so they will need 2 or 3 years for the next GTA installment or maybe another completely new game. Enjoy GTA V as the last sandbox game you will ever play on your current generation consoles!