Xbox One Exclusive DLC Content for COD: Ghosts on Xbox One first


New Member
May 22, 2013
Once again Microsoft has a deal with Activision which will bring new COD Ghosts DLC content to the Xbox One before other consoles.

To any of you COD players out there, is this still a big selling point for you?

It used to be for me, but I've found I've increasingly cared less and less about the DLC content. I don't really care when I get it or if I get it. I've played on both the PS3 and the Xbox and I'm starting to think the perks of Live, one being access to DLC early, isn't really for me anymore. I was curious if others share that opinion or if I'm alone in thinking that CoD DLC isn't as fun or as big of a key selling point as it used to be.
It really doesn't matter to us because we'd be getting it this time every time if they didn't have exclusive deals anyways. Its just not right for those who play on other consoles though IMO. Microsoft just see's it as a way to get people on other consoles over on Xbox to play DLC for a month before it releases on the other console(s). Not right IMO
I totally agree. I've used a PS3 for a large chunk of time and I never thought their contract was fair to PS3 users and PC users. We all bought the same game and we should all be entitled to any DLC content at the same time.

Do you think the access to DLC content early really sways people to pick one console over the other? I know it's a selling point they love to promote, but I've yet to meet someone that says they bought their 360 or they will buy an Xbox One because they'll be able to buy DLC early.
I think the shine will come the whole DLC one month early thing.
As the Call of Duty series has rumbled on more and more people are turning their back on the DLC, this is purely down to the games poor performance out of the box.
As more people experience problems with connection,matchmaking,joining friends,chat and lag the less they are willing to spend more money on it.
Its down to the developer to get it right when its released to reinstate confidence in the consumer.
I hate "Exclusive content" like this. It's really just locking out content for people on the other consoles. I get that it's a business but this kind of stuff makes me sick.

I used to buy all the map packs but recently, in Black Ops 2 and Modern Warfare 3 I haven't. At the moment, unless these maps are going to be absolutely amazing I won't even buy them at all.I have several friends that still play the game religiously and they say that's the big reason that they're getting the new Xbox.

I really don't like it when they lock out consoles from content. It's a really low way to go.
Getting the content first is not a huge selling point for me. If I chose to get a PS4, I don't think I'd be that bothered that other xbox owners are getting the chance to play it a whole month earlier.

If I was making a list of pros/cons for each console, this wouldn't appear on either of my lists.
Thankfully I was planning on purchasing the new Xbox One regardless so this doesn't have too much of an impact on me. However, if I wasn't buying the new Xbox One that would be incredibly frustrating. I've played on the Xbox 360 for years, so I'm used to getting the DLC immediately. I don't know what I would do if I had to wait weeks for it to come to my console.
Not a fan of timed exclusives. I can't put my finger on it but it always just seems like dirty and cheap tricks used to persuade gamers. The gamer's don't win with these timed exclusives, the big companies do. Not to mention that I really dislike everything about DLC too... Gah, thinking about all this just makes me angry. :mad:
That's not a selling point to me at all. It feels less like they're rewarding Xbox owners and more like they're punishing PlayStation owners. I happen to have both an Xbox 360 and a PS3, but I prefer to play first-person shooters on the 360. The reason for that is because of the controller scheme, not because of the availability of DLC.
The fact that the content will go to Live first, Xbox has Halo, and Xbox Live is better than the Playstation network (although it also has a pricetag associated with it), and the Xbox will have 15 exclusive titles, all mean that I'll be getting an Xbox One and not a PS4.